Presented by Chuck Johnston

Scenario 1: You’re putting out an RFP for a new website and one of your top goals is to improve the experience. How do you evaluate potential bidders? How do you know that users will get a new and improved experience?

Scenario 2: You have an existing site and want to improve the experience. Where do you even start? What do you measure?

We’ve got you covered. We’ll explain cover how to separate the buzzwords from the definable metrics within User Experience.



Open Data For Direct Public Engagement

Presented by Joe Izenman

The burgeoning open government data movement focuses largely on passive engagement: agencies publish raw data, reports, and possibly a dashboard of key metrics, to be consumed by the most interested public at their leisure. But a more active strategy of publishing and marketing your open data resources can foster similarly active interest in, and involvement with, the local political process. In this session, we’ll discuss the benefits and pitfalls of encouraging greater public feedback on open data; how to work with the industry and hobbyist technical community to produce value-adding products and analyses; and how open data can interact with more traditional methods of direct public engagement, such as public meetings, community forums and surveys, to create a more participatory environment for discussion, policy, and community improvement.


Open Data For Direct Public Engagement





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